ASMO Past Year Questions

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ASMO (Asian Science and Maths Olympiad) atau sebelumnya disebut MASMO (Malaysia Asean Math Olympiads) adalah sebuah kompetisi tingkat Asia yang dirancang untuk menantang dan mengevaluasi pengetahuan siswa dalam bidang matematika dan sains sesuai jenjangnya.
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan dalam kompetisi ini akan menambah pengetahuan dan pemahaman siswa tentang beberapa konsep matematika dan sains.
Dengan kompetisi ini diharapkan para siswa dapat memiliki pengalaman dan keterampilan untuk memenuhi tantangan sains dan teknologi di waktu mendatang.

Sebagai bahan pelajaran dan persiapan mengikuti tes ASMO, berikut contoh-contoh soal ASMO/MASMO tahun-tahun sebelumnya yang dirangkum dari beberapa sumber yang ada.

ASMO (Asian Science and Maths Olympiad) or previously known as MASMO (Malaysia Asean Math Olympiads) is an Asian competition platform designed to challenge and evaluate student's knowledge in Mathematics and Science at their grade level.
The questions in this competition will stretch student's knowledge and understanding of some math and science concepts.
By this competition, it is hoped that students will have the experience and skills to meet the science and technology challenges in the future.

As study material and preparation for taking the
ASMO test, the following are examples of ASMO / MASMO questions from previous years, summarized from several available sources.

ASMO Past Year Questions

ASMO Maths 2018

ASMO Science 2018

ASMO Maths 2016

ASMO Science 2016

ASMO Maths 2015

ASMO Science 2015

Baca Juga: Soal-Soal Olimpiade Sains Kuark (OSK)

MASMO Past Year Questions

MASMO Maths 2014

MASMO Science 2014

Semua soal dan kunci jawaban ASMO/MASMO di atas dapat di-download setelah melakukan Permintaan Akses melalui akun Google atau akun lainnya.
Permintaan akses akan disetujui segera setelah dilakukan verifikasi akun.

All questions and answer keys of  ASMO / MASMO above can be downloaded by clicking Request access on Your need access via Google account or other account. Access request will be approved immediately after account verification.


Hi Sir/Madam,
Pls give access for my request for Asmopast year paper year 5. Its really appreciated. Thankyou

Hi Sir/Madam,
Please give access for my request for ASMO Math & Science past year paper year 9. Its really appreciated. Thank you

Hi Sir/Madam,
Please give access for my request for ASMO Math, Science & English past year papers for Year 7. It would be really appreciated. Thank You.

Dear Admin
please give access for my request for ASMO MATH, SCIENCE and English paper for grade 3 please. It would be really appreciated Thank you.

Dear Admin
please give access for my request for ASMO MATH paper for grade 10 please. It would be really appreciated Thank you.

Dear Admin
please give access for my request for ASMO MATH, SCIENCE and English paper for grade 3 please. It would be really appreciated Thank you

please give me access to year 1 math and english please

Please give me access to ASMO maths

Please give me access to view the past question. Thank you

Hai, can you give me access? Thank you

Hello Mam! Would you please give me access to the past paper of Science and the answer too. Thank you so much

please give me access for gr 3 and 5 math. Thank you so much
